19. Julio Baptista
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19. Julio Baptista
Polno ime: Julio Cesar Baptista
Kraj rojstva: Sao Paulo, Brazil
Datum rojstva: 1.10.1981
Višina: 183 cm
Teža: 72 kg
Državljanstvo: Brazilsko,Špansko
Nastopi za Brazilsko reprezetanco: 35 in 3 goli
Dosedanji klubi:
* 1999-2003: Sao Paulo
* 2003-2005: Sevilla
* 2005/06: Real Madrid
* 2006/07: Arsenal
* 2007-: Real Madrid
Osvojeni naslovi:
2x Copa America(2004,2007)
1x Confederations Cup(2005)
Baptista je karijero začel pri Sao Paulo, sprva kot defenzivni vezist, kasneje se je preselil bolj naprej kot ofenzivni vezist. V Braziliji je za Sao Paulo igral zgolj tri sezone v katerih je v 73 nastopih dal 10 golov. Poleti leta 2003 je sledil prestop v Sevillijo, kjer je igral izjemno in v dveh sezonah v 68 tekmah dal kar 42 golov. Sledil je prestop v Real, kjer pa je igral kar veliko, a povečini izven svoje pozicije, v 39 tekmah je v prvi sezoni dal 8 golov. S prihodom Capella na mesto trenerja je zanj zmankalo prostora in odšel je na posojo v Arsenal za zameno pa je iz Arsenala v Real prišel Reyes. Baptista pri Arsenalu ni bil v prvem planu in tudi življenje v Angliji mu ni bilo všeč, zato si je želel vrnitev v Španijo, sicer je za Arsenal v 35 tekmah dal 10 golov, vendar se je pred to sezono vrnil v Madrid, kjer pa je kazalo da bo obsojen na sedenje na klop, vendar mu je trener Schuster v zadnem času dal kar nekaj priložnosti in takop je the Beast odločil tudi največi derbi španskega prvenstva El classico.
Re: 19. Julio Baptista
Kaj reči o Juliu Baptisti. Gre za izjemno močnega igralca s pravim "nosom za gol". Upam da je z zadnjimi predstavami prepričal Bernda, da je njegova prihodnost v Madridu. Škoda bi bilo zavreči takega igralca. Kakovost nedvomno je, poleg tega pa je še sam povsem zaljubljen v Real. Še se spomnimo ko je na začetku sezone dejal, da raje čaka na priložnost pri Realu, kot da bi še eno leto igral kot posojen igralec pri kateremu drugemu klubu. Po vsakem doseženem golu se treplja po grbu in to je dandanes neprecenljivo. Upam da ostane z nami še dolgo časa.
Re: 19. Julio Baptista
Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Merry Christmas to you too and to all Madridistas...
You seem happy and relaxed...
I am. I'm very happy with how things are turning out for me at Real Madrid. I have no qualms. I didn't have them when I didn't play and only worked hard, so I'm not going to have them now either. I feel very well.
What did your family say to you when you arrived at home?
Well, my mother, my girlfriend and the rest of my family are all very happy for me. I'm spending Christmas at Sao Paulo and I'm going to rest and enjoy this moment. It is time to disconnect and recover because I am due back to train on 31 December.
Do you know your goal at Camp Nou made Real Madrid Winter Champions?
The important thing is to be leaders the last day of the competition. That's all that counts. My goal wasn't the only important thing during the match in Barcelona; the entire team's work was vital. We must keep fighting hard in each game because our goal is to lead in the three competitions we play in. It is symbolic to be Winter Champions in the League, but there are many games still ahead. We must remain calm because we still haven't won anything.
You shouldn't be so modest. You scored a great goal.
It was a great match; I said this after it was over. I also said it was one of the most beautiful strikes I've ever scored. I scored another beautiful goal in the past at Camp Nou; I've always done well at that stadium.
When was that?
In May 2004 during a friendly between Brazil and Cataluña. We won 5-2 and I scored two goals, but the first was beautiful because I netted it with a bicycle-kick. Ronaldo also scored two strikes.
Have you set yourself a personal goal this year?
My goal is to work as hard as possible each day, just as I have been doing so far. I promise to score more goals and to continue playing this well.
You've become an essential player for Schuster, but you started the season on the bench.
Well, the coach always decides and it seems it is my moment now. I fought very hard for this since the preseason started, wanting a chance to prove I am important for this team. I'm not going to waste it now that I have it.
juanito- Število prispevkov : 387
Registration date : 17/12/2007
Re: 19. Julio Baptista
O da Julio... Gol farsi pa še z roko je potrepljal grb - to je odnos do naše nogometne institucije.
Henrik 1- Število prispevkov : 11
Registration date : 27/12/2007
Re: 19. Julio Baptista
Ta pa je zmagovalna...Ce si opazil se je tolkel po Sevillinem grbu, pa potem po Realovem, pa po Arsenalovem, pa po Brazilskem pa zdaj spet po Realovem...Človek bi pomislil, da na tak način pač proslavlja zadetke
Žiga- Število prispevkov : 98
Age : 37
Registration date : 10/12/2007
Re: 19. Julio Baptista
Morda ma pa kako tetovažo tam na prsih, noben ne ve.
juanito- Število prispevkov : 387
Registration date : 17/12/2007
Re: 19. Julio Baptista
Ja pa kaj zdaj... Zdaj ima tam Realov grb, pa še gol je dal cirkusantom... Človek bi lahko klub poslalv v 3pm, ko so ga poslali v Arsenal (to ni bila ne lepa in ne pametna poteza s strani uprave), pa je prišel nazaj in igra odlično - brez nekih scen in zamer!
Henrik 1- Število prispevkov : 11
Registration date : 27/12/2007
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